什么是RPC?Remote Procedure Call,远程过程调用。也就是说,调用过程代码并不是在调用者本地运行,而是要实现调用者与被调用者二地之间的连接与通信。比较严格的定义是:Remote procedure call (RPC) is a protocol that allows a computer program running on one computer to cause a subroutine on another computer to be executed without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this interaction. When the software in question is written using object-oriented principles, RPC may be referred to as remote invocation or remote method invocation. 这样一讲,容易联想到C/S模式的程序设计,我想是对的。RPC的基本通信模型是基于Client/Server进程间相互通信模型的一种同步通信形式;它对Client提供了远程服务的过程抽象,其底层消息传递操作对Client是透明的。在RPC中,Client即是请求服务的调用者(Caller),而Server则是执行Client的请求而被调用的程序 (Callee)。