
• 阅读 477


1.Introduction API网关是随着微服务(Microservice)概念兴起的一种架构模式。原本一个庞大的单体应用(All in one)业务系统被拆分成许多微服务(Microservice)系统进行独立的维护和部署,服务拆分带来的变化是API的规模成倍增长,API的管理难度也在日益增加,使用API网关发布和管理API逐渐成为一种趋势。一般来说,API网关是运行于外部请求与内部服务之间的一个流量入口,实现对外部请求的协议转换、鉴权、流控、参数校验、监控等通用功能。 本文即将介绍的Kong,是一个开源的API gateway和微服务管理的工具,基于Nginx和lua-nginx-module(特殊的OpenResty),Kong具有可插拔的架构,使其功能强大且灵活。 2.Key Concepts Service: Kong的一个实体对象,表示了外部的上游API或者微服务 Route: Kong的一个实体对象,表示了一种将下游请求映射到上游服务的路由 Consumer: Kong的一个实体对象,表示使用API的开发者或者机器,在使用Kong时,一个Consumer仅与Kong交互。 Plugin:插件用于是Kong内部将请求转发给上游API前后执行的一系列动作,Kong在其插件库中提供了非常强大的插件 Credential: A certificate object represents a public certificate/private key pair for an SSL certificate. SNI: An SNI object represents a many-to-one mapping of hostnames to a certificate. That is, a certificate object can have many hostnames associated with it Upstream: 上游服务,指代Kong背后的API或者服务,也是客户端请求转发的目的端,The upstream object represents a virtual hostname and can be used to loadbalance incoming requests over multiple services (targets). Target: A target is an ip address/hostname with a port that identifies an instance of a backend service. Every upstream can have many targets, and the targets can be dynamically added. Changes are effectuated on the fly. Admin API -用于管理Kong配置,端点,使用者,插件等的RESTful API端点 下图展示了Kong和其他传统架构的区别,可以帮助我们理解为什么有Kong: 高性能API网关Kong介绍

大概有鉴权、监控、日志、安全审计、ACL、缓存、限流、serverless等等。 3.Setup 官方文档提供了多种环境下详细的安装说明。我们这里使用docker进行安装(docker安装过程略): #1.create docker network $ docker network create kong-net

#2.run PostgreSQL database $ docker run -d --name kong-database
-p 5432:5432
-e "POSTGRES_DB=kong"

#3.prepare database $ docker run --rm
-e "KONG_DATABASE=postgres"
-e "KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database"
kong:latest kong migrations bootstrap

Unable to find image 'kong:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/kong 59265c40e257: Pull complete 6389eff8e6ff: Pull complete f58488256be6: Pull complete Digest: sha256:f7ed033bb9955da0fcefa034d07fee324cad6d01c12ebf54268dfe825ba2e92c Status: Downloaded newer image for kong:latest bootstrapping database... migrating core on database 'kong'... core migrated up to: 000_base (executed) core migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) core migrated up to: 002_15_to_1 (executed) migrating oauth2 on database 'kong'... oauth2 migrated up to: 000_base_oauth2 (executed) oauth2 migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) oauth2 migrated up to: 002_15_to_10 (executed) migrating acl on database 'kong'... acl migrated up to: 000_base_acl (executed) acl migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) migrating jwt on database 'kong'... jwt migrated up to: 000_base_jwt (executed) jwt migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) migrating basic-auth on database 'kong'... basic-auth migrated up to: 000_base_basic_auth (executed) basic-auth migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) migrating key-auth on database 'kong'... key-auth migrated up to: 000_base_key_auth (executed) key-auth migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) migrating rate-limiting on database 'kong'... rate-limiting migrated up to: 000_base_rate_limiting (executed) rate-limiting migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) rate-limiting migrated up to: 002_15_to_10 (executed) migrating hmac-auth on database 'kong'... hmac-auth migrated up to: 000_base_hmac_auth (executed) hmac-auth migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) migrating response-ratelimiting on database 'kong'... response-ratelimiting migrated up to: 000_base_response_rate_limiting (executed) response-ratelimiting migrated up to: 001_14_to_15 (executed) response-ratelimiting migrated up to: 002_15_to_10 (executed) 22 migrations processed 22 executed database is up-to-date

#4.start Kong $ docker run -d --name kong
-e "KONG_DATABASE=postgres"
-e "KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database"
-e "KONG_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout"
-e "KONG_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout"
-e "KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr"
-e "KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr"
-p 8000:8000
-p 8443:8443
-p 8001:8001
-p 8444:8444
kong:latest 999a5cf1db1a8c23ca870933b73407d7ae5f0fd2d9a895a78627a9c27e08045c

$ docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 999a5cf1db1a kong:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 8 seconds ago Up 7 seconds>8000-8001/tcp,>8443-8444/tcp kong ecb50c2f7307 postgres:9.6 "docker-entrypoint.s…" About an hour ago Up About an hour>5432/tcp 容器启动完毕后,尝试curl -i http://localhost:8001/,得到如下: { "plugins": { "enabled_in_cluster": [ ], "available_on_server": { "response-transformer": true, "oauth2": true, "acl": true, "correlation-id": true, "pre-function": true, "jwt": true, "cors": true, "ip-restriction": true, "basic-auth": true, "key-auth": true, "rate-limiting": true, "request-transformer": true, "http-log": true, "file-log": true, "hmac-auth": true, "ldap-auth": true, "datadog": true, "tcp-log": true, "zipkin": true, "post-function": true, "request-size-limiting": true, "bot-detection": true, "syslog": true, "loggly": true, "azure-functions": true, "udp-log": true, "response-ratelimiting": true, "aws-lambda": true, "statsd": true, "prometheus": true, "request-termination": true } }, "tagline": "Welcome to kong", "configuration": { "plugins": [ "bundled" ], "admin_ssl_enabled": true, "lua_ssl_verify_depth": 1, "trusted_ips": { }, "prefix": "/usr/local/kong", "loaded_plugins": { "response-transformer": true, "request-termination": true, "prometheus": true, "ip-restriction": true, "pre-function": true, "jwt": true, "cors": true, "statsd": true, "basic-auth": true, "key-auth": true, "ldap-auth": true, "aws-lambda": true, "http-log": true, "response-ratelimiting": true, "hmac-auth": true, "request-size-limiting": true, "datadog": true, "tcp-log": true, "zipkin": true, "post-function": true, "bot-detection": true, "acl": true, "loggly": true, "syslog": true, "azure-functions": true, "udp-log": true, "file-log": true, "request-transformer": true, "correlation-id": true, "rate-limiting": true, "oauth2": true }, "cassandra_username": "kong", "ssl_cert_key": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key", "admin_ssl_cert_key": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.key", "dns_resolver": { }, "pg_user": "kong", "mem_cache_size": "128m", "ssl_ciphers": "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256", "nginx_admin_directives": { }, "nginx_http_directives": [ { "value": "prometheus_metrics 5m", "name": "lua_shared_dict" } ], "pg_host": "kong-database", "nginx_acc_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/access.log", "proxy_listen": [ "", " ssl" ], "client_ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt", "ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key", "db_update_frequency": 5, "db_update_propagation": 0, "stream_listen": [ "off" ], "nginx_err_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/error.log", "cassandra_port": 9042, "dns_order": [ "LAST", "SRV", "A", "CNAME" ], "dns_error_ttl": 1, "headers": [ "server_tokens", "latency_tokens" ], "cassandra_lb_policy": "RequestRoundRobin", "nginx_optimizations": true, "pg_timeout": 5000, "database": "postgres", "pg_database": "kong", "nginx_worker_processes": "auto", "lua_package_cpath": "", "admin_acc_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/admin_access.log", "lua_package_path": "./?.lua;./?/init.lua;", "nginx_pid": "/usr/local/kong/pids/nginx.pid", "upstream_keepalive": 60, "client_ssl": false, "admin_access_log": "/dev/stdout", "cassandra_data_centers": [ "dc1:2", "dc2:3" ], "cassandra_ssl": false, "proxy_listeners": [ { "transparent": false, "ssl": false, "ip": "", "proxy_protocol": false, "port": 8000, "http2": false, "listener": "" }, { "transparent": false, "ssl": true, "ip": "", "proxy_protocol": false, "port": 8443, "http2": false, "listener": " ssl" } ], "proxy_ssl_enabled": true, "client_max_body_size": "0", "proxy_error_log": "/dev/stderr", "enabled_headers": { "latency_tokens": true, "X-Kong-Proxy-Latency": true, "Via": true, "server_tokens": true, "Server": true, "X-Kong-Upstream-Latency": true, "X-Kong-Upstream-Status": false }, "dns_stale_ttl": 4, "lua_socket_pool_size": 30, "db_resurrect_ttl": 30, "origins": { }, "cassandra_consistency": "ONE", "db_cache_ttl": 0, "admin_error_log": "/dev/stderr", "pg_ssl_verify": false, "dns_not_found_ttl": 30, "pg_ssl": false, "nginx_daemon": "off", "nginx_kong_stream_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx-kong-stream.conf", "cassandra_repl_strategy": "SimpleStrategy", "error_default_type": "text/plain", "dns_no_sync": false, "nginx_proxy_directives": { }, "proxy_access_log": "/dev/stdout", "nginx_kong_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx-kong.conf", "cassandra_schema_consensus_timeout": 10000, "dns_hostsfile": "/etc/hosts", "admin_listeners": [ { "transparent": false, "ssl": false, "ip": "", "proxy_protocol": false, "port": 8001, "http2": false, "listener": "" }, { "transparent": false, "ssl": true, "ip": "", "proxy_protocol": false, "port": 8444, "http2": false, "listener": " ssl" } ], "ssl_cipher_suite": "modern", "ssl_cert": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt", "cassandra_timeout": 5000, "admin_ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.key", "cassandra_ssl_verify": false, "cassandra_contact_points": [ "kong-database" ], "real_ip_header": "X-Real-IP", "real_ip_recursive": "off", "cassandra_repl_factor": 1, "client_ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key", "admin_ssl_cert": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.crt", "anonymous_reports": true, "log_level": "notice", "kong_env": "/usr/local/kong/.kong_env", "pg_port": 5432, "admin_ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.crt", "client_body_buffer_size": "8k", "ssl_preread_enabled": true, "ssl_cert_csr_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.csr", "stream_listeners": { }, "cassandra_keyspace": "kong", "ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt", "nginx_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx.conf", "admin_listen": [ "", " ssl" ] }, "version": "1.0.3", "node_id": "3ccef799-3037-4a8f-8ccd-2e60326b4444", "lua_version": "LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3", "prng_seeds": { "pid: 36": 229762112224, "pid: 37": 131951181922, "pid: 1": 136391662351 }, "timers": { "pending": 5, "running": 0 }, "hostname": "999a5cf1db1a" } 上面几个端口,分别是: :8000 on which Kong listens for incoming HTTP traffic from your clients, and forwards it to your upstream services. :8443 on which Kong listens for incoming HTTPS traffic. This port has a similar behavior as the :8000 port, except that it expects HTTPS traffic only. This port can be disabled via the configuration file. :8001 on which the Admin API used to configure Kong listens. :8444 on which the Admin API listens for HTTPS traffic. 4.API Management 在本地配置Kong完毕后,我们来感受一下Kong强大的特性。首先我们有一个简单的API服务,之前已经写好的一个flavors的增删改查,以flavors的查询为例,我们将GET /flavors/detail添加到Kong中。 我们的API server地址是http://,于是我们有: route path: /flavors/detail service host: 4.1 Add a service curl -i -X POST
--url http://localhost:8001/services/ \ --data 'name=example-flavors'\ --data 'url=' 得到的响应: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 06:08:25 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.3 Content-Length: 273

{ "host": "", "created_at": 1551247705, "connect_timeout": 60000, "id": "abba6d52-b239-4b8f-ad11-1e7389d4cf71", "protocol": "http", "name": "example-flavors", "read_timeout": 60000, "port": 8080, "path": "/flavors/detail", "updated_at": 1551247705, "retries": 5, "write_timeout": 60000 } 4.2 List current services curl -i -X GET
--url http://localhost:8001/services/ 得到的响应: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 06:11:07 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.3 Content-Length: 296

{ "next": null, "data": [ { "host": "", "created_at": 1551247705, "connect_timeout": 60000, "id": "abba6d52-b239-4b8f-ad11-1e7389d4cf71", "protocol": "http", "name": "example-flavors", "read_timeout": 60000, "port": 8080, "path": "/flavors/detail", "updated_at": 1551247705, "retries": 5, "write_timeout": 60000 } ] } 可以看到目前就我们前面添加的一个。 4.3 Add a route to service 有了服务之后,我们为服务填一个转发路由: curl -i -X POST
--url http://localhost:8001/services/example-flavors/routes \ --data 'hosts[]=hb.ctyun.com' \ --data 'paths[]=/flavors/detail' \ --data 'name=flavor-detail' 得到的响应是: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 06:24:00 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.3 Content-Length: 377

{ "created_at": 1551248640, "methods": null, "id": "11dbb4a1-7452-4d40-a45a-de3f3cad5275", "service": { "id": "abba6d52-b239-4b8f-ad11-1e7389d4cf71" }, "name": "flavor-detail", "hosts": [ "hb.ctyun.com" ], "updated_at": 1551248640, "preserve_host": false, "regex_priority": 0, "paths": [ "/flavors/detail" ], "sources": null, "destinations": null, "snis": null, "protocols": [ "http", "https" ], "strip_path": true } 原先获取flavors列表,我们是通过: curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/flavors/detail 而我们现在可以直接通过Kong进行访问,注意,我们必须修改Header,添加指定的Host信息: curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/flavors/detail -H 'Host:hb.ctyun.com' 结果遇到了报错,提示: - - [27/Feb/2019:06:43:17 +0000] "GET /flavors/detail HTTP/1.1" 502 69 "-" "curl/7.54.0" 2019/02/27 06:43:17 [error] 36#0: *35879 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: kong, request: "GET /flavors/detail HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "hb.ctyun.com" 可以看到能够按照路由规则进行转发,但是由于网络问题(kong部署在了docker容器中),所以没有办法进行访问。 我们重新创建service、route,并使用kennethreitz/httpbin来验证:


docker run -d --name simple-web-server
--network kong-net
-p 8080:80 kennethreitz/httpbin


curl -i -X POST
--url http://localhost:8001/services/
--data 'name=demo'
--data 'url=http://simple-web-server/get'

HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 07:51:45 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.3 Content-Length: 256

{ "host": "simple-web-server", "created_at": 1551253905, "connect_timeout": 60000, "id": "978de8a6-6767-4741-baca-a25c9a131f9d", "protocol": "http", "name": "demo", "read_timeout": 60000, "port": 80, "path": "/get", "updated_at": 1551253905, "retries": 5, "write_timeout": 60000 }

为service demo配置route规则

curl -i -X POST
--url http://localhost:8001/services/demo/routes
--data 'hosts[]=api.ctyun.com'
--data 'paths[]=/get'
--data 'name=demo-get'

HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 07:52:40 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.3 Content-Length: 361

{ "created_at": 1551253960, "methods": null, "id": "06d6754e-a4ae-4be6-9b87-b64ccfe6c920", "service": { "id": "978de8a6-6767-4741-baca-a25c9a131f9d" }, "name": "demo-get", "hosts": [ "api.ctyun.com" ], "updated_at": 1551253960, "preserve_host": false, "regex_priority": 0, "paths": [ "/get" ], "sources": null, "destinations": null, "snis": null, "protocols": [ "http", "https" ], "strip_path": true } 然后我们尝试通过访问kong,转发到httpbin: curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8000/get -H 'Host:api.ctyun.com'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 266 Connection: keep-alive Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 07:56:50 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 9 X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 84 Via: kong/1.0.3

{ "args": {}, "headers": { "Accept": "/", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "simple-web-server", "User-Agent": "curl/7.54.0", "X-Forwarded-Host": "api.ctyun.com" }, "origin": "", "url": "http://api.ctyun.com/get" } 至此,我们已经可以通过来源host、route将请求换发到指定的目标host,并且得到了返回值,这就算完成了基本API转发流程。 4.4 Plugins Kong提供了非常丰富的插件,都可以在Kong Hub找得到。这里我们简单为我们的服务配置一个Key Authentication的plugin。 在服务demo上启用key-auth的插件: curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/demo/plugins
--data "name=key-auth" { "created_at": 1551256029, "config": { "key_names": [ "apikey" ], "run_on_preflight": true, "anonymous": null, "hide_credentials": false, "key_in_body": false }, "id": "4eaa000f-0fa2-4b3e-8c13-2db4c6b7ce49", "service": { "id": "978de8a6-6767-4741-baca-a25c9a131f9d" }, "enabled": true, "run_on": "first", "consumer": null, "route": null, "name": "key-auth" } 也可以在具体的route上启用插件,比如: curl -X POST http://:8001/routes/{route_id}/plugins
--data "name=key-auth" 我们这里就不再赘述了。 开启插件后,再次访问前面的simple-web-server,则有: curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8000/get -H 'Host:api.ctyun.com' HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 08:27:13 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive WWW-Authenticate: Key realm="kong" Content-Length: 41 Server: kong/1.0.3

{"message":"No API key found in request"} 此时插件key-auth已经开启了,开启之后怎么用呢?要想使用鉴权插件,离不开Consumer。如何创建Consumer并使用指定的插件,我们放到4.5 Add Consumers中尽心更详细的介绍。 4.5 Add Consumers 添加一个consumer,username和custom_id指定任一即可: curl -i -X POST
--url http://localhost:8001/consumers/ \ --data "username=" \ --data "custom_id=" 如: curl -i -X POST
--url http://localhost:8001/consumers/
--data "username=elbarco"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 08:47:50 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.3 Content-Length: 107

{ "custom_id": null, "created_at": 1551257270, "username": "elbarco", "id": "738627ae-57e9-4b20-9d1d-fb12998d5296" } 为用户提供一个key: curl -i -X POST
--url http://localhost:8001/consumers/elbarco/key-auth/
--data 'key=hola-elbarco'

HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 09:12:12 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.3 Content-Length: 147

{ "key": "hola-elbarco", "created_at": 1551258732, "consumer": { "id": "738627ae-57e9-4b20-9d1d-fb12998d5296" }, "id": "b9cb021d-cb37-4841-b172-40ff2dcacb5e" } 此时,我们就可以带着鉴权访问前面的simple-web-server了,有两种方式: curl http://kong:8000/{proxy path}?apikey=

curl http://kong:8000/{proxy path}
-H 'apikey: ' 我们这里任选一种即可: curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8000/get -H 'Host:api.ctyun.com' -H 'apikey:hola-elbarco'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 398 Connection: keep-alive Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 09:19:31 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 68 X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 26 Via: kong/1.0.3

{ "args": {}, "headers": { "Accept": "/", "Apikey": "hola-elbarco", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "simple-web-server", "User-Agent": "curl/7.54.0", "X-Consumer-Id": "738627ae-57e9-4b20-9d1d-fb12998d5296", "X-Consumer-Username": "elbarco", "X-Forwarded-Host": "api.ctyun.com" }, "origin": "", "url": "http://api.ctyun.com/get" } 4.6 Rate limiting 额外的,我们再看一下限流插件:Rate Limiting。 5.Advanced Features 5.1 Load balancing Loadbalancing reference 6.Kong Dashboard (From community) Kong的商业版中,提供了一个可视化界面工具,叫做Kong Manager,功能很是强大,比如:

试用需要申请,我们转而在社区中寻求替代工具,于是在Github上搜到了Kong Dashboard,提供了使用npm和docker安装两种方式,这里采用docker的方式安装一下,看看效果:

Start Kong Dashboard

docker run --rm -p 9090:8080 pgbi/kong-dashboard start --kong-url http://locahost:8001

Start Kong Dashboard on a custom port

docker run --rm -p [port]:8080 pgbi/kong-dashboard start --kong-url http://kong:8001

Start Kong Dashboard with basic auth

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 pgbi/kong-dashboard start \ --kong-url http://kong:8001 --basic-auth user1=password1 user2=password2

See full list of start options

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 pgbi/kong-dashboard start --help docker run --rm --name kong-dashboard -p 9090:808i0 pgbi/kong-dashboard start --kong-url http://locahost:8001 docker run --rm --network kong-net --name kong-dashboard -p 9090:8080 pgbi/kong-dashboard start --kong-url http://kong:8001 Connecting to Kong on http://kong:8001 ... This version of Kong dashboard doesn't support Kong v0.15 and higher. 受限于Kong的版本: docker container exec 999a5cf1db1a kong version 1.0.3 我们没办法接入kong-dashboard,后面再进行调研吧。 7.Summary kong的模型比较清晰,从service、route、plugin到upstream、consumer,通用性比较强,因为插件的存在,功能扩展性也很高。从我们的实际业务触发,也可以参考借鉴这种模型方式,先从核心功能出发。 8.Reference [1].An Introduction to Kong [2].Kong Admin API

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vivo 微服务 API 网关架构实践
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1、API网关介绍 API网关是一个服务器,是系统的唯一入口。从面向对象设计的角度看,它与外观模式类似。API网关封装了系统内部架构,为每个客户端提供一个定制的API。它可能还具有其它职责,如身份验证、监控、负载均衡、缓存、请求分片与管理、静态响应处理。 API网关方式的核心要点是,所有的客户端和消费端都通过统一的网关接入微服务,在网关层处理所有