1. 下载android-ndk-profiler
我们可以到github去下载android ndk profiler。可以下载master branch的zip压缩包,也可以把整个项目直接git clone下来,git clone下来可能要更好一点。这个项目的目录结构大体如下(2015-06-25这天的版本):
hanpfei@hanpfei-ThundeRobot:~/android-ndk-profiler_repo$ ls -al
总用量 84
drwxrwxr-x 7 hanpfei hanpfei 4096 6月 25 11:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 54 hanpfei hanpfei 4096 6月 25 11:27 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hanpfei hanpfei 35147 6月 24 19:29 COPYING
drwxrwxr-x 2 hanpfei hanpfei 4096 6月 24 19:29 docs
drwxrwxr-x 3 hanpfei hanpfei 4096 6月 25 11:26 example
drwxrwxr-x 8 hanpfei hanpfei 4096 6月 25 11:26 .git
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hanpfei hanpfei 365 6月 24 19:29 .gitignore
drwxrwxr-x 2 hanpfei hanpfei 4096 6月 25 11:26 jni
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hanpfei hanpfei 974 6月 24 19:29 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hanpfei hanpfei 122 6月 25 11:26 ndk-excludes.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hanpfei hanpfei 791 6月 24 19:29 README.mkd
drwxrwxr-x 2 hanpfei hanpfei 4096 6月 24 19:29 test
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hanpfei hanpfei 643 6月 25 11:26 .travis.yml
hanpfei@hanpfei-ThundeRobot:~/android-ndk-profiler_repo$ cp -r jni ../android-ndk-profiler
2. 修改项目jni目录下的Android.mk文件,加载android-ndk-profiler
# compile with profiling
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := android-ndk-profiler
# at the end of Android.mk
$(call import-module,android-ndk-profiler)
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES_的值需要与android-ndk-profiler的_Android.mk_文件中定义的_LOCAL_MODULE_值对应,$(call import-module,android-ndk-profiler)_这一行中,call import-module为Android编译系统的内置命令,而android-ndk-profiler则要与项目的目录名对应,这也就是上面我们为什么要把jni目录copy,重命名为android-ndk-profiler的原因。
对于Eclipse环境,可以这样来设置:在Package Explorer中,鼠标选中项目,右键单击弹出菜单,Propertities -> C/C++ Build -> Build command,在最后加上NDK_MODULE_PATH=~。比如像下面这样:
/media/data/dev_tools/android-ndk-r9d/ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1
Android NDK: jni/Android.mk: Cannot find module with tag 'android-ndk-profiler' in import path
jni/Android.mk:101: *** Android NDK: Aborting. . Stop.
Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ?
Android NDK: The following directories were searched:
Android NDK:
4. _ucontext_t_类型的定义
很不幸,在我们正确地设置了**NDK_MODULE_PATH**环境变量之后,还是无法通过编译。Eclipse Console中的报错信息如下:
**** Build of configuration Default for project peerTester_udt ****
/media/data/dev_tools/android-ndk-r9d/ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1 NDK_MODULE_PATH=~
[armeabi-v7a] Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.6] libs/armeabi-v7a/gdbserver
[armeabi-v7a] Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi-v7a/gdb.setup
[armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : android-ndk-profiler <= prof.c
/home/hanpfei/android-ndk-profiler/prof.c: In function 'histogram_bin_incr':
/home/hanpfei/android-ndk-profiler/prof.c:150:2: error: unknown type name 'ucontext_t'
/home/hanpfei/android-ndk-profiler/prof.c:150:26: error: 'ucontext_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/hanpfei/android-ndk-profiler/prof.c:150:26: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
/home/hanpfei/android-ndk-profiler/prof.c:150:38: error: expected expression before ')' token
/home/hanpfei/android-ndk-profiler/prof.c:151:41: error: request for member 'uc_mcontext' in something not a structure or union
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs-debug/android-ndk-profiler/prof.o] Error 1
提示找不到**ucontext_t**类型的定义。这究竟又是怎么一回事呢?在github上,这个项目的all commits列表中,我们看到有这么几笔commits的comments里提到了_ucontext_t_:
由b22514a66c0477dd34eadf7039e404bfc6f38c1b这笔commit的comments,我们大体可以了解到_ucontext_t的定义被从项目中移除的原因。ucontext本是GNU C库提供的一套标准的机制,用来创建、保存、切换用户态执行“上下文”,但无奈早期的NDK不支持这套机制,所以android-ndk-profiler项目就自己加了相关结构的定义。但自r10d版本开始,官方NDK已经是自带了对这套机制的支持,所以原来项目中ucontext_t_的定义就显得多余了。
官方把jni/ucontext.h这个文件给删了,那大不了我们把项目的repo reset几笔change,重新找回这个文件就是了。reset到b22514a66c0477dd34eadf7039e404bfc6f38c1b之前的那个状态,大概就是reset 9笔changes:
hanpfei@hanpfei-ThundeRobot:~/android-ndk-profiler_repo$ git reset --hard HEAD~9
5. 添加对监视函数的调用
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
在我们native code的适当位置,加入对监视函数的调用:
/* in the start-up code */
/* in the onPause or shutdown code */
6. 产生并查看结果
_moncleanup()_执行结束之后,就在sdcard上产生了结果文件。我们可以使用_gprof_命令来产生profiling的报表文件。我们需要先用_adb pull_命令将_gmon.out_文件拷贝到自己的PC上,然后执行如下的命令产生结果:
$/media/data/dev_tools/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gprof libmoretvp2p.so > gprof.txt
hanpfei@hanpfei-ThundeRobot:~/p2pclient_prof$ /media/data/dev_tools/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gprof libmoretvp2p.so > gprof.txt
/media/data/dev_tools/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gprof: file `libmoretvp2p.so' has no symbols
提示no symbols。
Flat profile:
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name
21.69 0.82 0.82 299 2.74 2.74 CRcvLossList::CRcvLossList(int)
20.11 1.58 0.76 profCount
12.70 2.06 0.48 299 1.61 1.61 CSndLossList::CSndLossList(int)
5.29 2.26 0.20 systemMessage
4.76 2.44 0.18 301 0.60 0.60 CRcvBuffer::~CRcvBuffer()
3.44 2.57 0.13 299 0.43 0.43 CRcvBuffer::CRcvBuffer(CUnitQueue*, int)
2.12 2.65 0.08 free_maps
1.32 2.70 0.05 3052 0.02 0.02 CChannel::sendto(sockaddr const*, CPacket&) const
1.32 2.75 0.05 std::istream::sentry::sentry(std::istream&, bool)
1.06 2.79 0.04 31 1.29 3.29 MORETV::HttpDownloadTask::downloadByHttp(std::string const&, Poco::AutoPtr<MORETV::TsDownloadSession>&)
0.79 2.82 0.03 13956 0.00 0.00 Poco::AutoPtr<MORETV::TransportStreamImpl>::operator->()
0.79 2.85 0.03 7322 0.00 0.00 MORETV::TransportStreamImpl::write(int, char const*, int)
0.79 2.88 0.03 4391 0.01 0.01 std::_Rb_tree<int, std::pair<int const, CUDTSocket*>, std::_Select1st<std::pair<int const, CUDTSocket*> >, std::less<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<int const, CUDTSocket*> > >::_M_lower_bound(std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<int const, CUDTSocket*> >*, std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<int const, CUDTSocket*> >*, int const&)
0.79 2.91 0.03 sigemptyset
0.53 2.93 0.02 33591 0.00 0.00 CChannel::recvfrom(sockaddr*, CPacket&) const
0.53 2.95 0.02 1323 0.02 0.02 CACKWindow::store(int, int)
0.53 2.97 0.02 CRcvQueue::worker(void*)
0.53 2.99 0.02 std::string::replace(unsigned int, unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int)
0.53 3.01 0.02 std::locale::locale()
% time
This is the percentage of the total execution time your program spent in this function. These should all add up to 100%.
cumulative seconds
This is the cumulative total number of seconds the computer spent executing this functions, plus the time spent in all the functions above this one in this table.
self seconds
This is the number of seconds accounted for by this function alone. The flat profile listing is sorted first by this number.
This is the total number of times the function was called. If the function was never called, or the number of times it was called cannot be determined (probably because the function was not compiled with profiling enabled), the calls field is blank.
self ms/call
This represents the average number of milliseconds spent in this function per call, if this function is profiled. Otherwise, this field is blank for this function.
total ms/call
This represents the average number of milliseconds spent in this function and its descendants per call, if this function is profiled. Otherwise, this field is blank for this function. This is the only field in the flat profile that uses call graph analysis.
This is the name of the function. The flat profile is sorted by this field alphabetically after the self seconds and calls fields are sorted.