Downloading and installing AutoHotkey
AutoHotkey Homepage. https://autohotkey.com
How to create a script
Give the script a new name. Note: It must end with a .ahk extension. Ex. MyScript.ahk
Hotkeys & Hotstrings
What is a Hotkey?
It is a key or key combination that the person at the keyboard presses to trigger some actions.
Send, My First Script
What is a Hotstring?
Hotstrings are mainly used to expand abbreviations as you type them (auto-replace), they can also be used to launch any scripted action.
::ftw::Free the whales
MsgBox You typed "btw".
MsgBox Escape!!!!
Keys and their mysterious symbols
Win (Windows logo key)
An ampersand may be used between any two keys or mouse buttons to combine them into a custom hotkey.
Window specific hotkeys/hotstrings
1 ; Notepad
2 #IfWinActive untitled - Notepad
3 !q::
4 MsgBox, You pressed Alt and Q in Notepad.
5 Return
6 #IfWinActive
8 ; Any window that isn't Untitled - Notepad
9 !q::
10 MsgBox, You pressed Alt and Q in any window.
11 Return
::btw::By the way ; Replaces "btw" with "By the way" as soon as you press an EndChar.
:*:btw::By the way ; Replaces "btw" with "By the way" without needing an EndChar
^n:: ; Ctrl & n Hotkey
run, notepad.exe ; Run the program notepad.exe when you press Ctrl & n
Return ; This ends the hotkey. The code below this will not get triggered.
^b:: ; Ctrl & b Hotkey
send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up} ; Copies the selected text. ^c could be used as well, but this method is more secure.
SendInput, [b]{ctrl down}v{ctrl up}[/b] ; Wraps the selected text in bbcode (forum) Bold tags.
Return ; This ends the hotkey. The code below this point will not get triggered.