NuTyX是一份法语Linux发行,它从Linux From Scratch和Beyond Linux From Scratch而创建,并带有一份定制的包管理系统叫做cards。该包管理器能安装单独的二进制软件包,也能安装一组相关联的二进制包(例如KDE或Xfce这样的桌面软件包),还能从ports编译源代码包。该发行面向中级和高级Linux用户而设计。
I'm very pleased to announce the new NuTyX 11.4 release.
The 64-bit version contains about 1150 packages upgraded.
The 32-bit version of NuTyX, still actively supported.
In the newest release, base NuTyX comes with the Long-Term Support (LTS) kernel 4.19.108 (4.9.206 for the 32-bit version).
For 64-bit systems,the kernel release 5.5.8 is also available.
Changelogs for the kernels are available here: kernel 4.19.108 changlog kernel 5.5.8 changelog
The gnu c library, glibc, is now glibc 2.30
The graphical server is xorg-server 1.20.7.
The mesa lib is 19.3.4, gtk3 is 3.24.14, and qt has been updated to 5.14.1.
Python interpreters 3.8.2 and 2.7.17 have been included in this release.
The MATE Desktop Environment comes in 1.24.0, the latest version.
The XFCE Desktop Environment comes in 4.14.1, the latest version.
The KDE Plasma Desktop is now 5.18.2, the Framework is now 5.67.0 and applications are now 19.12.3
Available browsers are: firefox 73.0.1, falkon 3.1.0, epiphany 3.34.4, etc
Many desktop applications have been updated as well like thunderbird 68.5.0, Scribus 1.5.5, libreoffice, gimp 2.10.18, etc.
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