Php::Value value1 = 1234;
Php::Value value2 = "this is a string";
Php::Value value3 = std::string("another string");
Php::Value value4 = nullptr;
Php::Value value5 = 123.45;
Php::Value value6 = true;
void myFunction(const Php::Value &value)
int value1 = value;//这里的value就被隐式转换了,不然string怎么可能赋给int,C++中是绝对不允许的
std::string value2 = value;//这里又给转换成了string
double value3 = value;
bool value4 = value;
Php::Value array;
array[0] = "apple";
array[1] = "banana";
array[2] = "tomato";
// an initializer list can be used to create a filled array
Php::Value filled({ "a", "b", "c", "d"});
// you can cast an array to a vector, template parameter can be
// any type that a Value object is compatible with (string, int, etc)
std::vector<std::string> fruit = array;
// create an associative array
Php::Value assoc;
assoc["apple"] = "green";
assoc["banana"] = "yellow";
assoc["tomato"] = "green";
// the variables in an array do not all have to be of the same type
Php::Value assoc2;
assoc2["x"] = "info@example.com";
assoc2["y"] = nullptr;
assoc2["z"] = 123;
// nested arrays are possible too
Php::Value assoc2;
assoc2["x"] = "info@example.com";
assoc2["y"] = nullptr;
assoc2["z"][0] = "a";
assoc2["z"][1] = "b";
assoc2["z"][2] = "c";