
• 阅读 641

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;


namespace GT.Common.JsonHelper
public delegate string Serialize(object data);
public delegate object Deserialize(string data);

public sealed class JSONParameters

/// Use the optimized fast Dataset Schema format (default = True)

public bool UseOptimizedDatasetSchema = true;
/// Use the fast GUID format (default = True)

public bool UseFastGuid = false;
/// Serialize null values to the output (default = True)

public bool SerializeNullValues = true;
/// 是否采用严格的ISO日期 (default = false) by itdos.com

public bool UseStrictIsoDate = false;
/// 日期格式化 (default = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") by itdos.com

public string DateFormatString = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
/// IsLiteral=false时是否序列化。(default = false)

public bool UseFalseLiteral = false;
/// Use the UTC date format (default = True)

public bool UseUTCDateTime = false;
/// Show the readonly properties of types in the output (default = False)

public bool ShowReadOnlyProperties = true;
/// Use the $types extension to optimise the output json (default = True)

public bool UsingGlobalTypes = false;
/// Ignore case when processing json and deserializing

[Obsolete("Not needed anymore and will always match")]
public bool IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize = false;
/// Anonymous types have read only properties

public bool EnableAnonymousTypes = false;
/// Enable fastJSON extensions $types, $type, $map (default = True)

public bool UseExtensions = false;
/// Use escaped unicode i.e. \uXXXX format for non ASCII characters (default = True)

public bool UseEscapedUnicode = false;
/// Output string key dictionaries as "k"/"v" format (default = False)

public bool KVStyleStringDictionary = false;
/// Output Enum values instead of names (default = False)

public bool UseValuesOfEnums = false;
/// Ignore attributes to check for (default : XmlIgnoreAttribute)

public List IgnoreAttributes = new List { typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute) };
/// If you have parametric and no default constructor for you classes (default = False)
/// IMPORTANT NOTE : If True then all initial values within the class will be ignored and will be not set

public bool ParametricConstructorOverride = false;
/// 是否序列化DateTime毫秒。 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.nnn (default = false)

public bool DateTimeMilliseconds = false;
/// Maximum depth for circular references in inline mode (default = 20)

public byte SerializerMaxDepth = 20;
/// Inline circular or already seen objects instead of replacement with $i (default = False)

public bool InlineCircularReferences = false;
/// Save property/field names as lowercase (default = false)

public bool SerializeToLowerCaseNames = false;
/// DataTable类型是否默认序列化TableName (default = true) by itdos.com

public bool DataTableToGeneralJson = true;

public void FixValues()
if (UseExtensions == false) // disable conflicting params
UsingGlobalTypes = false;
InlineCircularReferences = true;
if (EnableAnonymousTypes)
ShowReadOnlyProperties = true;

public static class JSON

/// Globally set-able parameters for controlling the serializer

public static JSONParameters Parameters = new JSONParameters();
/// Create a formatted json string (beautified) from an object

public static string ToNiceJSON(object obj, JSONParameters param)
string s = ToJSON(obj, param);

return Beautify(s);

/// Create a json representation for an object

public static string ToJSON(object obj)
return ToJSON(obj, JSON.Parameters);
/// Create a json representation for an object with parameter override on this call

public static string ToJSON(object obj, JSONParameters param)
Type t = null;

if (obj == null)
return "null";

if (obj.GetType().IsGenericType)
t = Reflection.Instance.GetGenericTypeDefinition(obj.GetType());
if (t == typeof(Dictionary<,>) || t == typeof(List<>))
param.UsingGlobalTypes = false;

// FEATURE : enable extensions when you can deserialize anon types
if (param.EnableAnonymousTypes) { param.UseExtensions = false; param.UsingGlobalTypes = false; }
return new JSONSerializer(param).ConvertToJSON(obj);

/// Parse a json string and generate a Dictionary<string,object> or List<object> structure

public static object Parse(string json)
return new JsonParser(json).Decode();
#if net4
/// Create a .net4 dynamic object from the json string

public static dynamic ToDynamic(string json)
return new DynamicJson(json);
/// Create a typed generic object from the json

public static T ToObject(string json)
return new deserializer(Parameters).ToObject(json);
/// Create a typed generic object from the json with parameter override on this call

public static T ToObject(string json, JSONParameters param)
return new deserializer(param).ToObject(json);
/// Create an object from the json

public static object ToObject(string json)
return new deserializer(Parameters).ToObject(json, null);
/// Create an object from the json with parameter override on this call

public static object ToObject(string json, JSONParameters param)
return new deserializer(param).ToObject(json, null);
/// Create an object of type from the json

public static object ToObject(string json, Type type)
return new deserializer(Parameters).ToObject(json, type);
/// Fill a given object with the json represenation

public static object FillObject(object input, string json)
Dictionary<string, object> ht = new JsonParser(json).Decode() as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (ht == null) return null;
return new deserializer(Parameters).ParseDictionary(ht, null, input.GetType(), input);
/// Deep copy an object i.e. clone to a new object

public static object DeepCopy(object obj)
return new deserializer(Parameters).ToObject(ToJSON(obj));

public static T DeepCopy(T obj)
return new deserializer(Parameters).ToObject(ToJSON(obj));


/// Create a human readable string from the json

public static string Beautify(string input)
return Formatter.PrettyPrint(input);
/// Register custom type handlers for your own types not natively handled by fastJSON

public static void RegisterCustomType(Type type, Serialize serializer, Deserialize deserializer)
Reflection.Instance.RegisterCustomType(type, serializer, deserializer);
/// Clear the internal reflection cache so you can start from new (you will loose performance)

public static void ClearReflectionCache()

internal static long CreateLong(out long num, string s, int index, int count)
num = 0;
bool neg = false;
for (int x = 0; x < count; x++, index++)
char cc = s[index];

if (cc == '-')
neg = true;
else if (cc == '+')
neg = false;
num *= 10;
num += (int)(cc - '0');
if (neg) num = -num;

return num;

internal class deserializer
public deserializer(JSONParameters param)
_params = param;

private JSONParameters _params;
private bool _usingglobals = false;
private Dictionary<object, int> _circobj = new Dictionary<object, int>();
private Dictionary<int, object> _cirrev = new Dictionary<int, object>();

public T ToObject(string json)
Type t = typeof(T);
var o = ToObject(json, t);

if (t.IsArray)
if ((o as ICollection).Count == 0) // edge case for "[]" -> T[]
Type tt = t.GetElementType();
object oo = Array.CreateInstance(tt, 0);
return (T)oo;
return (T)o;
return (T)o;

public object ToObject(string json)
return ToObject(json, null);

public object ToObject(string json, Type type)
//_params = Parameters;
Type t = null;
if (type != null && type.IsGenericType)
t = Reflection.Instance.GetGenericTypeDefinition(type);
if (t == typeof(Dictionary<,>) || t == typeof(List<>))
_params.UsingGlobalTypes = false;
_usingglobals = _params.UsingGlobalTypes;

object o = new JsonParser(json).Decode();
if (o == null)
return null;
if (type != null && type == typeof(DataSet))
return CreateDataset(o as Dictionary<string, object>, null);
else if (type != null && type == typeof(DataTable))
return CreateDataTable(o, null);// by itdos.com
if (o is IDictionary)
if (type != null && t == typeof(Dictionary<,>)) // deserialize a dictionary
return RootDictionary(o, type);
else // deserialize an object
return ParseDictionary(o as Dictionary<string, object>, null, type, null);
else if (o is List)
if (type != null && t == typeof(Dictionary<,>)) // kv format
return RootDictionary(o, type);
else if (type != null && t == typeof(List<>)) // deserialize to generic list
return RootList(o, type);
else if (type == typeof(Hashtable))
return RootHashTable((List)o);
return (o as List).ToArray();
else if (type != null && o.GetType() != type)
return ChangeType(o, type);

return o;

#region [ p r i v a t e m e t h o d s ]
private object RootHashTable(List o)
Hashtable h = new Hashtable();

foreach (Dictionary<string, object> values in o)
object key = values["k"];
object val = values["v"];
if (key is Dictionary<string, object>)
key = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)key, null, typeof(object), null);

if (val is Dictionary<string, object>)
val = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)val, null, typeof(object), null);

h.Add(key, val);

return h;

private object ChangeType(object value, Type conversionType)
#region by itdos.com 2016-05-04
var isNullOrWhiteSpace = false || (value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString()));
if (conversionType == typeof(decimal))
return isNullOrWhiteSpace ? (object)null : decimal.Parse(value.ToString());

if (conversionType == typeof(int))
return isNullOrWhiteSpace ? (object)null : int.Parse(value.ToString());

else if (conversionType == typeof(long))
return isNullOrWhiteSpace ? (object)null : long.Parse(value.ToString());

else if (conversionType == typeof(string))
return isNullOrWhiteSpace ? null : value.ToString();//by itdos.com 2016-05-09

else if (conversionType.IsEnum)
return CreateEnum(conversionType, value);

else if (conversionType == typeof(DateTime))
return CreateDateTime((string)value);

else if (Reflection.Instance.IsTypeRegistered(conversionType))
return Reflection.Instance.CreateCustom((string)value, conversionType);

// 8-30-2014 - James Brooks - Added code for nullable types.
if (IsNullable(conversionType))
if (value == null)
return value;
conversionType = UnderlyingTypeOf(conversionType);

// 8-30-2014 - James Brooks - Nullable Guid is a special case so it was moved after the "IsNullable" check.
if (conversionType == typeof(Guid))
return CreateGuid((string)value);

return Convert.ChangeType(value, conversionType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

private bool IsNullable(Type t)
if (!t.IsGenericType) return false;
Type g = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
return (g.Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)));

private Type UnderlyingTypeOf(Type t)
return t.GetGenericArguments()[0];

private object RootList(object parse, Type type)
Type[] gtypes = Reflection.Instance.GetGenericArguments(type);
IList o = (IList)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(type);
foreach (var k in (IList)parse)
_usingglobals = false;
object v = k;
if (k is Dictionary<string, object>)
v = ParseDictionary(k as Dictionary<string, object>, null, gtypes[0], null);
v = ChangeType(k, gtypes[0]);

return o;

private object RootDictionary(object parse, Type type)
Type[] gtypes = Reflection.Instance.GetGenericArguments(type);
Type t1 = null;
Type t2 = null;
if (gtypes != null)
t1 = gtypes[0];
t2 = gtypes[1];
if (parse is Dictionary<string, object>)
IDictionary o = (IDictionary)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(type);

foreach (var kv in (Dictionary<string, object>)parse)
object v;
object k = ChangeType(kv.Key, t1);

if (kv.Value is Dictionary<string, object>)
v = ParseDictionary(kv.Value as Dictionary<string, object>, null, t2, null);

else if (t2.IsArray)
v = CreateArray((List)kv.Value, t2, t2.GetElementType(), null);

else if (kv.Value is IList)
v = CreateGenericList((List)kv.Value, t2, t1, null);

v = ChangeType(kv.Value, t2);

o.Add(k, v);

return o;
if (parse is List)
return CreateDictionary(parse as List, type, gtypes, null);

return null;

internal object ParseDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> d, Dictionary<string, object> globaltypes, Type type, object input)
object tn = "";
if (type == typeof(NameValueCollection))
return CreateNV(d);
if (type == typeof(StringDictionary))
return CreateSD(d);

if (d.TryGetValue("$i", out tn))
object v = null;
_cirrev.TryGetValue((int)(long)tn, out v);
return v;

if (d.TryGetValue("$types", out tn))
_usingglobals = true;
globaltypes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (var kv in (Dictionary<string, object>)tn)
globaltypes.Add((string)kv.Value, kv.Key);

bool found = d.TryGetValue("$type", out tn);
if (found == false && type == typeof(System.Object))
return d; // CreateDataset(d, globaltypes);
if (found)
if (_usingglobals)
object tname = "";
if (globaltypes != null && globaltypes.TryGetValue((string)tn, out tname))
tn = tname;
type = Reflection.Instance.GetTypeFromCache((string)tn);

if (type == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot determine type");

string typename = type.FullName;
object o = input;
if (o == null)
if (_params.ParametricConstructorOverride)
o = System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type);
o = Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(type);
int circount = 0;
if (_circobj.TryGetValue(o, out circount) == false)
circount = _circobj.Count + 1;
_circobj.Add(o, circount);
_cirrev.Add(circount, o);

Dictionary<string, myPropInfo> props = Reflection.Instance.Getproperties(type, typename, Reflection.Instance.IsTypeRegistered(type));
foreach (var kv in d)
var n = kv.Key;
var v = kv.Value;
string name = n.ToLower();
if (name == "$map")
ProcessMap(o, props, (Dictionary<string, object>)d[name]);
myPropInfo pi;
if (props.TryGetValue(name, out pi) == false)
if (pi.CanWrite)
//object v = d[n];

if (v != null)
object oset = null;

switch (pi.Type)
//by itdos.com
//case myPropInfoType.Int: oset = (int)((long)v); break;
case myPropInfoType.Decimal: oset = decimal.Parse(v.ToString()); break;
case myPropInfoType.Int: oset = int.Parse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v.ToString()) ? "0" : v.ToString()); break;
//case myPropInfoType.Long: oset = (long)v; break;
case myPropInfoType.Long: oset = long.Parse(v.ToString()); break;
case myPropInfoType.String: oset = v.ToString(); break;// by itdos.com 2016-05-10
case myPropInfoType.Bool: oset = (bool)v; break;
case myPropInfoType.DateTime: oset = CreateDateTime((string)v); break;
case myPropInfoType.Enum: oset = CreateEnum(pi.pt, v); break;
case myPropInfoType.Guid: oset = CreateGuid((string)v); break;

case myPropInfoType.Array:
if (!pi.IsValueType)
oset = CreateArray((List)v, pi.pt, pi.bt, globaltypes);
// what about 'else'?
case myPropInfoType.ByteArray: oset = Convert.FromBase64String((string)v); break;
case myPropInfoType.DataSet: oset = CreateDataset((Dictionary<string, object>)v, globaltypes); break;
case myPropInfoType.DataTable: oset = CreateDataTable(v, globaltypes); break;// by itdos.com
case myPropInfoType.Hashtable: // same case as Dictionary
case myPropInfoType.Dictionary: oset = CreateDictionary((List)v, pi.pt, pi.GenericTypes, globaltypes); break;
case myPropInfoType.StringKeyDictionary: oset = CreateStringKeyDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)v, pi.pt, pi.GenericTypes, globaltypes); break;
case myPropInfoType.NameValue: oset = CreateNV((Dictionary<string, object>)v); break;
case myPropInfoType.StringDictionary: oset = CreateSD((Dictionary<string, object>)v); break;
case myPropInfoType.Custom: oset = Reflection.Instance.CreateCustom((string)v, pi.pt); break;
if (pi.IsGenericType && pi.IsValueType == false && v is List)
oset = CreateGenericList((List)v, pi.pt, pi.bt, globaltypes);

else if ((pi.IsClass || pi.IsStruct) && v is Dictionary<string, object>)
oset = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)v, globaltypes, pi.pt, pi.getter(o));

else if (v is List)
oset = CreateArray((List)v, pi.pt, typeof(object), globaltypes);

else if (pi.IsValueType)
oset = ChangeType(v, pi.changeType);

oset = v;

o = pi.setter(o, oset);
return o;

private StringDictionary CreateSD(Dictionary<string, object> d)
StringDictionary nv = new StringDictionary();

foreach (var o in d)
nv.Add(o.Key, (string)o.Value);

return nv;

private NameValueCollection CreateNV(Dictionary<string, object> d)
NameValueCollection nv = new NameValueCollection();

foreach (var o in d)
nv.Add(o.Key, (string)o.Value);

return nv;

private void ProcessMap(object obj, Dictionary<string, myPropInfo> props, Dictionary<string, object> dic)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kv in dic)
myPropInfo p = props[kv.Key];
object o = p.getter(obj);
Type t = Type.GetType((string)kv.Value);
if (t == typeof(Guid))
p.setter(obj, CreateGuid((string)o));

private int CreateInteger(string s, int index, int count)
int num = 0;
bool neg = false;
for (int x = 0; x < count; x++, index++)
char cc = s[index];

if (cc == '-')
neg = true;
else if (cc == '+')
neg = false;
num *= 10;
num += (int)(cc - '0');
if (neg) num = -num;

return num;

private object CreateEnum(Type pt, object v)
// FEATURE : optimize create enum
return Enum.Parse(pt, v.ToString());
return Enum.Parse(pt, v, true);

private Guid CreateGuid(string s)
if (s.Length > 30)
return new Guid(s);
return new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(s));

private DateTime CreateDateTime(string value)
#region bi itdos.com 2015-05-01
DateTime dt;
if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out dt))
return dt;
bool utc = false;
// 0123456789012345678 9012 9/3
// datetime format = yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss .nnn Z
int year;
int month;
int day;
int hour;
int min;
int sec;
int ms = 0;

year = CreateInteger(value, 0, 4);
month = CreateInteger(value, 5, 2);
day = CreateInteger(value, 8, 2);
hour = CreateInteger(value, 11, 2);
min = CreateInteger(value, 14, 2);
sec = CreateInteger(value, 17, 2);
if (value.Length > 21 && value[19] == '.')
ms = CreateInteger(value, 20, 3);

if (value[value.Length - 1] == 'Z')
utc = true;

if (_params.UseUTCDateTime == false && utc == false)
return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, ms);
return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, ms, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToLocalTime();

private object CreateArray(List data, Type pt, Type bt, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
if (bt == null)
bt = typeof(object);

Array col = Array.CreateInstance(bt, data.Count);
// create an array of objects
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
object ob = data[i];
if (ob == null)
if (ob is IDictionary)
col.SetValue(ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)ob, globalTypes, bt, null), i);
else if (ob is ICollection)
col.SetValue(CreateArray((List)ob, bt, bt.GetElementType(), globalTypes), i);
col.SetValue(ChangeType(ob, bt), i);

return col;

private object CreateGenericList(List data, Type pt, Type bt, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
IList col = (IList)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(pt);
// create an array of objects
foreach (object ob in data)
if (ob is IDictionary)
col.Add(ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)ob, globalTypes, bt, null));

else if (ob is List)
if (bt.IsGenericType)
col.Add(ChangeType(ob, bt));
return col;

private object CreateStringKeyDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> reader, Type pt, Type[] types, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
var col = (IDictionary)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(pt);
Type t1 = null;
Type t2 = null;
if (types != null)
t1 = types[0];
t2 = types[1];

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> values in reader)
var key = values.Key;
object val = null;

if (values.Value is Dictionary<string, object>)
val = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)values.Value, globalTypes, t2, null);

else if (types != null && t2.IsArray)
if (values.Value is Array)
val = values.Value;
val = CreateArray((List)values.Value, t2, t2.GetElementType(), globalTypes);
else if (values.Value is IList)
val = CreateGenericList((List)values.Value, t2, t1, globalTypes);

val = ChangeType(values.Value, t2);

col.Add(key, val);

return col;

private object CreateDictionary(List reader, Type pt, Type[] types, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
IDictionary col = (IDictionary)Reflection.Instance.FastCreateInstance(pt);
Type t1 = null;
Type t2 = null;
if (types != null)
t1 = types[0];
t2 = types[1];

foreach (Dictionary<string, object> values in reader)
object key = values["k"];
object val = values["v"];

if (key is Dictionary<string, object>)
key = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)key, globalTypes, t1, null);
key = ChangeType(key, t1);

if (val is Dictionary<string, object>)
val = ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)val, globalTypes, t2, null);
val = ChangeType(val, t2);

col.Add(key, val);

return col;

private DataSet CreateDataset(Dictionary<string, object> reader, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.EnforceConstraints = false;

// read dataset schema here
var schema = reader["$schema"];

if (schema is string)
TextReader tr = new StringReader((string)schema);
DatasetSchema ms = (DatasetSchema)ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)schema, globalTypes, typeof(DatasetSchema), null);
ds.DataSetName = ms.Name;
for (int i = 0; i < ms.Info.Count; i += 3)
if (ds.Tables.Contains(ms.Info[i]) == false)
ds.Tables[ms.Info[i]].Columns.Add(ms.Info[i + 1], Type.GetType(ms.Info[i + 2]));

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in reader)
if (pair.Key == "$type" || pair.Key == "$schema") continue;

List rows = (List)pair.Value;
if (rows == null) continue;

DataTable dt = ds.Tables[pair.Key];
ReadDataTable(rows, dt);


return ds;

private void ReadDataTable(List rows, DataTable dt)
List guidcols = new List();
List datecol = new List();

foreach (DataColumn c in dt.Columns)
if (c.DataType == typeof(Guid) || c.DataType == typeof(Guid?))
if (_params.UseUTCDateTime && (c.DataType == typeof(DateTime) || c.DataType == typeof(DateTime?)))

foreach (List row in rows)
object[] v = new object[row.Count];
row.CopyTo(v, 0);
foreach (int i in guidcols)
string s = (string)v[i];
if (s != null && s.Length < 36)
v[i] = new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(s));
if (_params.UseUTCDateTime)
foreach (int i in datecol)
string s = (string)v[i];
if (s != null)
v[i] = CreateDateTime(s);


DataTable CreateDataTable(object o, Dictionary<string, object> globalTypes)// by itdos.com
var reader = o as Dictionary<string, object>;
var dt = new DataTable();
if (_params.DataTableToGeneralJson)
foreach (var k in (IList)o)
var dic = k as Dictionary<string, object>;
var rows = new List();
var haveCol = dt.Columns.Count == 0;
foreach (var o1 in dic)
if (haveCol)
if (o1.Value == null)
dt.Columns.Add(o1.Key, o1.Value.GetType());
return dt;
// read dataset schema here
var schema = reader["$schema"];

if (schema is string)
TextReader tr = new StringReader((string)schema);
var ms = (DatasetSchema)this.ParseDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)schema, globalTypes, typeof(DatasetSchema), null);
dt.TableName = ms.Info[0];
for (int i = 0; i < ms.Info.Count; i += 3)
dt.Columns.Add(ms.Info[i + 1], Type.GetType(ms.Info[i + 2]));

foreach (var pair in reader)
if (pair.Key == "$type" || pair.Key == "$schema")

var rows = (List)pair.Value;
if (rows == null)

if (!dt.TableName.Equals(pair.Key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

ReadDataTable(rows, dt);

return dt;


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