今天在做测试发现传入的时间为 "2018-11-26" 在格式化后变成了"20181125"
DateUtils.formatDate(c.getTime(), "yyyyMMdd")
解析工具使用的是httpClient 4.5
3、debug到 工具类内部,发现
1 SimpleDateFormat format = formats.get(pattern);
2 if (format == null) {
3 format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.US);
4 format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
5 formats.put(pattern, format);
6 }
这使用了GMT 时区,和我们本地的时区差了8个小时;
这个感觉设置得不是很友好,查看了下SimpleDateFormat 的初始化,感觉要人性化一点;
1 private void initializeCalendar(Locale loc) {
2 if (calendar == null) {
3 assert loc != null;
4 // The format object must be constructed using the symbols for this zone.
5 // However, the calendar should use the current default TimeZone.
6 // If this is not contained in the locale zone strings, then the zone
7 // will be formatted using generic GMT+/-H:MM nomenclature.
8 calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault(), loc);
9 }
10 }