Beanshell vs JSR223 vs Java JMeter Scripting: The Performance-Off You've Been Waiting For!
There are several options to perform custom JMeter scripting and extend baseline JMeter functionality. Check out the most popular extension mechanisms, compare performance and analyze which one is the best.
It's Battle of the Bands, JMeter style.
Beanshell V. JSR223 V. Java Request Sampler
In our previous post, JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips (written by the fantastik Philipe Mouwad) we recommended using JSR 223 + Groovy for Scripting. It’s the best option as Groovy scripts can be compiled into native Java code (assuming some requirements are met) so Groovy script execution performance can be almost as fast as Java code.
So if you’re about to use scripts for something once, quick 'n dirty (e.g. reading configuration files at the beginning of the test) you’re welcome to use Beanshell/Javascript/whatever you’re comfortable with.
如果你只是想要使用脚本做一次什么事情,quick 'n dirty是啥意思,例如在测试开始时读取配置,你可以使用任何脚本。
But, if you’re about to do some extensive load testing through scripting (i.e. constructing massive HTTP requests from calculated data) you need to consider either Groovy or custom Java requests or a JMeter Sampler.
但是,如果您要通过脚本进行一些广泛的负载测试(即从计算数据构建大量HTTP请求),则需要考虑Groovy或自定义Java请求或JMeter Sampler。
For comparison purposes, we’re going to use the same simple code which generates a 1Mb string of random alphanumeric characters.
Comparison metrics will be collected using 10 users x 100 iterations with a session duration of 1 hour (standard BlazeMeter session length), load generation will be done from single JMeter Console by execution of the above code and demonstrating key performance indicators of following engines:
Beanshell (as is)
JSR223 (Groovy as language, compilation caching enabled)
Java (as JMeter Java Request Sampler)
Including associated CPU/RAM cost on load generator side (BlazeMeter Console)
Tests will be using following environment:
Test Type - JMeter Test (Sandbox)
Threads - 10 threads per Thread Group
Server Type - Large
Session Time - 1 hour
Engine - Console Only
Server - 1
Threads per engine - 10
Rampup - no ramp-up
Iterations - 100
Server OS - Linux
Server CPU - 2x
Java 7 x64 1.7.0_03
JVM arguments - -server -Xms3072m -Xmx6144m -XX:NewSize=64m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=2 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=600000 -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=64m
Beanshell Sampler
For Beanshell, no pre-requisites are required, everything works out-of-the-box. All we need is to do is add a Beanshell Sampler and paste 1Mb random string generation code. After uploading test scripts to BlazeMeter's testing dashboard and setting appropriate threads, iterations and duration we got the following results:
Load Test Results
JSR233 Sampler
As mentioned, for scripting it’s recommended to use JSR233 + Groovy. Groovy isn’t shipped with JMeter, it needs to be downloaded separately. To get started:
Download latest groovy binary bundle from Groovy website download area
Locate groovy-all-${VERSION}.jar under “embeddable” folder of distribution and drop it to JMeter/lib folder. Or upload it to BlazeMeter in the “Files” area, BlazeMeter will place it into the corresponding location
Add JSR233 Sampler to Thread Group specifying “groovy” as Language
Set Compilation cache key to something unique
Paste 1Mb random string generation code to Script area
Important to note:
• Use .groovy files instead of keeping the Groovy code inside the sampler. However if you need to have code directly in sampler, make sure that you have Compilation Cache Key set. If you have > 1 JSR233 Sampler – make sure that they use different keys
• Don’t refer any variables as ${VAR} inside the Groovy script. Use either vars.get(“VAR”) or the Parameters stanza of JSR233 Sampler
用单独的.groovy文件代替在sampler里面写代码。如果你使用了sampler里面写代码,确认你设置了Compilation Cache Key。
Load Test Results
Java Request
Java Request is your own implementation of JavaSamplerClient, all described methods should have appropriate code. The absolute minimum is override of runTest() method but if you intent to parameterize your Java Request you need to provide appropriate logic to read inputs and conditional interpretation of requests flow to determine whether Sampler passed or not.
The example code for generation of 1Mb random string via Java Request will look as follows:
Compiled class needs to be placed in /lib/ext folder of your JMeter installation preferably in .jar form so JMeter could automatically pick it up, elsewise you’ll need to amend JMeter classpath.
When using BlazeMeter just upload the .jar file altogether with your script and other extensions (if any) and the BlazeMeter engine will pick it up.
2013/12/05 11:09:38 INFO - BlazeMeter: BlazeMeter startup script completed
2013/12/05 11:09:39 INFO - jmeter.protocol.java.sampler.JavaSampler: Created class: com.blazemeter.JavaRequest
Load Test Results
Beanshell is recommended to be used for once-only activities like reading configuration file somewhere in single-threaded setUp Thread Group or in situations, where no possibility to use alternatives exists.
JSR233/Groovy is quite reasonable option for scripting but only with “compilation” feature.
And the winner is......... Java Request which provides blazing performance and cutting-edge productivity!
最后,Java Request最屌。
Learn More
Want to learn more? You might be interested in viewing the webinar, Advanced JMeter Scripting - Writing Assertions in Groovy.
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